Onset of the football itch

Yes. There it is. Ahhh.... the sweet smell of football season approaching! It used to mean hours upon hours of practice in the hot weather for me (definitely well worth it), Now, my old high school barely plays the same teams anymore. I checked out their schedule this season and there's not one single game i'm dying to go to. There used to be two or three a season.
My football team through high school was always good. I think there was only one year that we didn't win state... and yes, I went to each and every game from 7th grade on. It is a favorite past-time of mine.
Last night I was hangin out with some people I haven't hung out with before (well, not by myself anyway - there were other distractions previously) and good ole 'football' was brought up. I've never really had a college team to root for. I've always been a Buford Wolf and that's all that mattered to me - it was enough football for a season, too. So now i'm faced with the decision of picking a team.
It's sad, i've never even dated anyone who was hardcore for a college or pro team so I know nothing about good/bad teams, etc. My choice needs to be an edcuated one - so I don't look like a schmuck rooting for a consistantly losing team!
I may attend a Buford game just to see the show (yes, the marching show) and I might find out when their competitions are - those were always so much fun. Football and cuddling are the ONLY reasons I like cold weather in the slightest. So, my challenge this week (and boy is it going to be a busy one) is to find a good football team to root for. Let's see how I do!
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